JpU develops a robust, purpose-built mobile core network for deployment by IoT and M2M vendors. The JpU HyperCore platform simplifies management of complex IoT networks, delivers built-in security for all connected devices and consolidates business operations in a single intuitive web-based application.
I have been working tightly with JpU product managers, characterising & designing their web based platform, website & marketing materials.
JpU delivers a double-edge value proposition to mobile network operators and enterprise IoT providers.
The Challenge
Creating a web based platform suitable for deployment across any M2M, C-IoT, NB-IoT platform and is highly scalable to support millions of devices with huge volumes of traffic.
The web platform, Logo, Brand identity, app UI, website, marketing materials and investor presentations.
Since implementing its new brand identity, JpU has been able to substantially grow its clientele in different parts of the world.
Our initial goal was to create a coherent visual language and brand identity. We focused on updating the logotype and color scheme. A set of icons was created to represent the different markets that the company is targeting and the color palette was expanded to reflect different services offered.